
CST Registration

Title Description
Service Name Registration Under CST Act 1956
Whom To Apply Deputy Commissioner.
How To Apply Form “A”
Documents To Be Attached
  1. Proof of identity such as Electoral photo Identity card/Islander Identity card/ Family Identity card/Passport/local certificate.
  2. Court fee stamps worth Rs. 25/-
  3. Introduction letter from two different CST holders
  4. Rent receipt / agreement of the building/premises.
  5. Copy of order stating the land to be Commercial or recent copy of Form-F issued by Revenue authority stating the land to be commercial.
  6. Statement of Bank account of the applicant.
  7. 1st inter-state purchase bill and supporting documents.
  8. Sale bill of the item for which CST has been applied for.
  9. Item list for which CST has been applied for.
  10. Distributor ship/dealership certificate, if any.
  11. photograph of the Business premises.

Download CST Form (PDF 130 KB)

Deputy Commissioner Office,

Deputy Commissioner Office, Nicobar
Location : Deputy Commissioner Office | City : Car Nicobar | PIN Code : 744301